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If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed.  

- Lao Tzu

Finding a good therapist is a powerful step in a new direction - towards greater ease, clarity and joy for yourself or a loved one.  


I invite you to stop and take a moment to imagine yourself or the loved one you're here for feeling deeply at ease in life, at work or school, in relationships and in your family....  


What happened when you did that?  Many people have a sense of relaxation and release. Good therapy offers a way to experience that kind of relief from stress, tension and struggle in more and more of your life.  


Often the changes that bring us relief require courage.   I specialize in helping you live a life that is not ruled by fear or anger so that you can be who you really are, who you really want to be - happy, connected to those around you, honest about who you are and what you need.  Finding new ways to be safe - either by speaking up and asking that our needs be met, or by being softer and more open - can bring amazing change. 


I offer accessible, practical, effective services in my Lafayette office as well as Telehealth sessions. Therapy is meant to improve your life by reducing stress, not adding to the pile. With this in mind I offer flexible scheduling options and if what I have available doesn't work for you I'm happy to refer you to someone who does.  To find out more, I invite you to explore this site, and to call for an initial meeting with me if my approach appeals to you.  


I wish you well in your search!

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